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I'm a 9th year teacher with lots of heart and passion for my job!
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Friday, November 30, 2012

Holidays Are for Family Time...

...Fact family time that is.

We're kicking it in high gear with subtraction and addition facts as well as fact families (related facts).
Our little sweeties are getting so good at these! A little girl in my math class compared the numbers to daddy, mommy and baby (numbers from greatest to least) which is great because it helps me explain how numbers are ordered in fact families.

In addition sentences daddy always sits in the BACK:
baby + mommy = daddy
mommy + baby = daddy

In subtraction sentences daddy always sits in the FRONT:
daddy - mommy = baby
daddy - baby = mommy

What a clever girl!
So we ran with her idea and created gorgeous fact family pumpkins:
I later learned my teacher friend had this amazing addition and subtraction bingo set from scholastic.

 How fun would it have been to play the game after making this cool looking pumpkin??? well maybe next time I can purchase it HERE

Then, I was able to spend some time with my family :) 

Until next time, 