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I'm a 9th year teacher with lots of heart and passion for my job!
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Sunday, July 31, 2016

What a difference a few years make!

Wow... So I came across this little gem that I had not been on for like 3 years. I dusted it off and decided to pick up where I left off. Life has been crazy! I know, such a cliche, but hey they are cliches for a reason! Life has been really different for me lately: A baby, moving schools, switching grades and a whole new team! Lots to tell and lots to write.  I'll write more soon!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Wow, lots has happened since my last blog. I am in a complete state of gratitude to God. He has made such miracles happen in my life this past year.

I was offered a teaching job again back in Dec. of last year, moved to a different school and I am now teaching a Kindergarte/First Grade combination class which I LOVE!

Lots to come and lots have happened, but looking back and reflecting on the past year all I can say is wow and thank you for all the blessings.

Today, we go to the pumpkin patch with my lovely Kinders. We have been learning lots about pumpkins and are super excited to experience them in their natural habitat ;)

Monday, January 21, 2013

You're not that Old!

So I've started my new teaching assignment and I have to say I don't like ... I LOVE IT!!

I have been told by parents that I look younger than I am hahah more on my age later, but I have got to say:

The kids are amazing little learners who try so hard and are so thirsty for knowledge.
The parents are such awesome mommas and daddies who are ready to cut, glue, copy or create at any moment's notice.
The principal is great gives me lots of reassurance and is easily available. I feel like I can talk to her via email no matter what time of day just about anything!

The theme for the first week was of course snowmen! it was wonderful to count, read about, write about and even make a snowman!
This is from my lovely Kindergarten Friend's class I forgot to take a pictue of mine. 
This is also from my lovely friend's class. She teaches a K-1 Combo and this is one of her 1st Grader's letter to a snowman. isn't it precious? 

 The second week was all about penguins
 This is a lovely penguin pattern that I got from THIS lovely teacher. I created the writing using the sight words and color words that we have gone over using Microsoft Word and ABC Print font. 

This penguin is my Kindergarten friend's creation. I showed her a picture of a penguin on my Pinterest page and she loved it so much she recreated it on the fly. We attached our All About Penguins book and her 1st graders wrote all they knew about penguins. Isn't this little shorty Adorbs????

 Finally, this is my winter writing. Again, using the sight words they already know and incorporating a bit of "sounding out" and my kiddos created a wonderful piece of writing. 

I love Winter and all it brings. Next week, my kiddies will be learning about weather and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and, of course, everyoone's favorite The Mitten

I'll post more later. This little teacher is soooooo TIRED!!! 
I finished my 2nd week of grad school and let me tell you. It ain't pretty. 

BUUUT, before I go I have to tell you a fun little story from my first day back in college. 

I was sitting in class and after talking to a girl who clearly had just graduated and was pursuing her teaching credential immediately after graduation. So the conversation initially was about class and how we liked it. 
Then, she told me her major was in history and how she was pursuing a single subject credential. Then she asked me what my major was and I was like "well, I graduated with a Liberal Studies Bachelor back in 2004 and currently have a multiple subject credential." Her eyes grew so wide I could see white all around her pupils. Then, she said "Oh my God! You don't even look that old!" 
I was like oh, Thank you....I think hahah 

Well, that's all for now. 
Good night! 

PS. Just had to play the game :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas in July

Some people have Christmas in July.

I have the first day of school in January.

Here's the reason. I was hired to take over a Kindergarten class for a teacher who moved across the country and could not finish out her contract. I was, of course, thrilled to take it!! Kindergarten has been my passion since I first started teaching.

So naturally, I spent the entire break (ha! I didn't really take a break) with my amazing husband and my Kindergarten BFF creating a welcoming environment. I wanted the space to be different from what they had before. I wanted the kids to know that I am not a substitute, but their new loving teacher.

So I spent the past few weeks in this outfit:
I know very sexy ;)

                        Anyway, our efforts paid off because this room is starting to look so stinking darling!
Here is the Panoramic view of the room, minus my desk area. 

This is my new calendar wall. The one before was cute and had a very good calendar, but it stool on an easel and knowing me, I will knock it over. I needed stability in the classroom as much as I need it in my life!  Plus aren't those frogs so stinking cute??? 

One of the first things I did was go purchase suspension rods and curtains from Wal-Mart. This school, just like my last one, has ginormous windows. Normally, I would appreciate this, but at night time it gets sooo scary to look out at a dark window. Now, I know I am in a safe neighborhood, but this teacher has been watching too many scary movies lately and the last thing I needed was to look at scary windows. When that was done I was A-OK! 
This is also my "rainbow" table AKA my reading group table. I absolutely adoooore the organizer in the back because I can organize my reading group materials in tubs :) 

This is my newly created center chart. There are 4 groups so they would just rotate or "hop" around the pads, I mean centers along with their group's pin color. 

This is my newly added parent work table. I have parents who actively work in the classroom during centers rotations, and others who would rather do paper work instead. So I thought I'd accommodate them with their own little space :)   

Lastly, this is the new manners chart. it's your usual pin up and pin down routine, but I had to make it somewhat cuter ;)

Siiiighhhh! Moving classrooms is as troublesome, but just as fun, as moving homes! I am exhausted and I am soooo ready to see my new sweeties again tomorrow! I am so nervous and excited. I almost want to read First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg. 

However, this little teacher has to catch some Zzzzzzz and be full of energy for my little darlings!!

Good night!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 Questions

I am so thankful this week.

The past few weeks have been such a roller coaster of emotions. About 3 weeks ago I interviewed for a job at my district. I was really hoping for the Kindergarten position, but would be happy to accept whatever (there was also a 4th and a 6th opening). Walking into the interview room was sooo nerve wrecking!

I have worked in the district for 5 years and know most of the administrators in the interview panel. I felt so much pressure to do well for my Principal who has invested so much and has placed so much trust in me. I certainly did not want to disappoint her. 

The interview flowed like a fast paced dream. I answered the questions and I was sure I spoke supernaturally fast. I laughed and made small jokes, but was super nervous on the inside. It went faster and quicker than I imagined. 

I can only remember a few questions:
  • What educational and professional experiences  make you well prepared for the position? 
  • How would you incorporate technology in the classroom? 
  • What would your previous or current parents and colleagues say about you? 
  • What fictional character do you best identify with and why? 
  • How have you prepared to teach to the new Common Core Standards? 
  • Is there anything else you would like the panel to know? 
    • (there were 4 others that I simply cannot remember)
The answers flowed out of my mouth and I couldn't really remember much of what I answered. I do know that I prayed all the way there and I'm sure God had all to do with whatever it was I said. 

The next day as I was teaching a group of 1st graders math, I heard my cell phone ring, but obviously did not answer. Next thing, I hear the class phone ring (which is a miracle because it normally doesn't work) and it was our school secretary asking me if I could take a call from our Assistant Superintendent. Uhhhh....YES! 
She offers me the job and said other things I can't remember, I was super blessed and excited. 

So now here I am waiting to go decorate my new classroom after meeting my new Kindergartners I cannot wait to get started!!! 

God is good and I cannot thank him enough for the lovely support and way in which he works his blessings into my life. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Holidays Are for Family Time...

...Fact family time that is.

We're kicking it in high gear with subtraction and addition facts as well as fact families (related facts).
Our little sweeties are getting so good at these! A little girl in my math class compared the numbers to daddy, mommy and baby (numbers from greatest to least) which is great because it helps me explain how numbers are ordered in fact families.

In addition sentences daddy always sits in the BACK:
baby + mommy = daddy
mommy + baby = daddy

In subtraction sentences daddy always sits in the FRONT:
daddy - mommy = baby
daddy - baby = mommy

What a clever girl!
So we ran with her idea and created gorgeous fact family pumpkins:
I later learned my teacher friend had this amazing addition and subtraction bingo set from scholastic.

 How fun would it have been to play the game after making this cool looking pumpkin??? well maybe next time I can purchase it HERE

Then, I was able to spend some time with my family :) 

Until next time, 


Sunday, September 30, 2012

I did it!

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What a relief I felt when I hit the submit button.

I did it...I submitted my application to attend Cal Poly Pomona again to obtain a 2nd teaching credential. I already hold my Multiple Subject teaching credential with CLAD certification, but this one will be a Bilingual credential!! I am beyond excited and of course, nervous. This is something that I had been meaning to do for the longest time, but for one reason or another (mainly procastination), I never did. It will be super weird to be on the other side of the grade book for the first time in 5 years!!

can't wait to be a Bronco AGAIN!!